Pathfinder Club
Mission: Poinciana Platinum Angels Pathfinder Club is organized for the purpose of leading young people to a more fulfilling lifestyle in Jesus Christ, teaching them how to be a servant of God and a friend to man. The staff, parents and church leaders accept the responsibility to provide support which will help the children develop the skills necessary to become Christ disciples in this challenging world.

Leader: Nellie Loguerre
"Investiture achievement is the core of pathfinder ministry and will lead the pathfinder club through an exciting journey as they learn and grow in Christ."

Goals and Objective
Help the young people understand that God and the church love the, care for them and appreciate them.
Encourage pathfinders to discover their own God-given potential.
To build into a pathfinder a love for God's creation by enjoying outdoor activity.
Teach them to be great leaders in church, at school and their community.
The Advent Message to all the world in my generation.
For more info contact:
The love of Christ compels us.
By the grace of God,
I will be pure and kind and true.
I will keep the Pathfinder Law.
I will be a servant of God
and a friend to man.