Our Elders
Spiritual Leadership – The elders are spiritual not only in their personal lives, but spiritual leaders to the congregation. 1 Timothy 3:2, 3
Their spiritual leadership will be demonstrated by participating in church services, special events (e.g., communion, prayer meeting) and evangelistic meetings; giving Bible studies; facilitating conflict resolution between members; and assisting in church membership actions.
General Oversight – The elders provide general oversight and leadership in different church activities and departments. Acts 11:30
This general oversight and leadership is accomplished by assigning an elder (or more) to each church team ministry.
Nurturing – The elders work as under shepherds in addition to the pastors. Church members will establish long-term relationships with elders due to the very nature of pastoral movement within the Seventh-day Adventist church. They will also have a clear understanding of the church’s mission, purpose. and goals. Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2
First Elder Cordel Samuel
I was born on the beautiful island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, God found me and called me into his service at a very early age.
I have served the church in various capacities over the years, and will continue serving in the Lord's vineyard until he comes.
My aim is to lead my family and God's church to a deeper and richer relationship with Christ, and at last to His Kingdom.
My Moto is "not I but Christ", and Philippians 4:13 " I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Maranatha
Assistant First Elder William Duncan
Born in Kingston, Jamaica. In 1961 I was baptized as a member of the Hagley Park SDA church, Kingston, Jamica. I attended Kingsway High School in Kingston and West Indies College in Mandeville Jamaica. While at the college, I serve as a literature evangelist, in Kingston and the Bahamas.
In 1969 I migrated to the United States, where I transferred my membership to the Berea Seventh Day Adventis Church, Boston, Massachusetts. In 1970, I was elected to serve as an Elder, In 2003, I migrated to Florida, and I was elected to serve as an Elder and other offices of the church.
married a lovely woman, Patricia, my wife for 56 years. The Lord has blessed us with three children, six grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren.
I have committed my life to serve the Lord, and leading others to Christ. I have participated in many evangelistic outreach services, resulting in many souls for Christ, in Jamica, Boston Massachusetts, and Florida.
Assistant First Elder Jacqueline Hinds
As an elder of the Poinciana Seventh Day Adventist Church God has called of us into His body for the purpose of establishing a saving relationship with Him and community with one another. The Holy Spirit convicts our minds, lead us to repentance, and plant us within the church. It is my pleasure to serve the Poinciana Seventh Day Adventist Church as an elder leading God's people into a saving relationship with Him and community with each other !
Elder Daniel Dionne
I started attending Faith SDA Church in Hartford Connecticut in 1980 after a co-worker invited me to church. I was subsequently baptized in 1981.
I held many positions in the Church; Deacon, Head Deacon, Men’s Ministry’s Leader, Personal Ministry’s Leader, Assistant Sabbath School Superintendent and Prison Ministry’s Leader.
I also served in the New England area as the President for Prison Ministries for the Northeastern Conference of SDA.
I am currently the Personal Ministry’s Leader at the PSDA Church and I also love being a Sabbath School Teacher. I am happy being a humble child of God and my plan is to work with the Holy Spirit to populate God’s Kingdom and depopulate Satan’s kingdom.
In 1995, I was re-baptized in the Jordan River. I love the Lord Jesus and wants nothing more than to be saved in His Kingdom.
Favorite Hymn: #462 Blessed Assurance
Favorite Scripture: John 14:1-3
Sis. Claudette Dionne is his beautiful wife, partner, mentor and friend.
Elder Nelson Davy
I have been a faithful servant to the church and the Lord since 1967.
I was baptized at the Robin's Hall Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Manchester, Jamaica. There I served as Youth Leader, Assistant Sabbath School Superintendent, Personal Ministry Leader and Sabbath School Teacher. I also served as an Elder from 1978 to 1981 leading other to Christ and helping those in need.
In 1981. I migrated to the United States [New York City] with my wife and continued to worship at the Bronx Seventh-Day Adventist Church for the next 36 years. During my time there I developed a passion for In-Reach ministries. I am a strong believer that serving those within the church is important. Galatian 6:10 shapes this belief. " As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all, ESPECIALLY to those who are of the household of faith." While at Bronx SDA Church. I served the membership in several roles such as Sabbath School Teacher, Assistant Sabbath School Superintendent, Deacon and Head deacon. My passion for In-Reach ministries led me to be Family Life Ministry and Men's Ministry Leader for 10 years.
After almost 37 years of living in New York, I re-located to Orlando, Florida with my wife [Paulette] and my daughter [Kasheen], where we currently reside.
Since 2017, we became members of the Poinciana SDA Church family. While here as a member, I served as Family Life Ministries Leader and Sabbath School Teacher. I consider it a privilege and honor to be asked to serve as an elder of the church and I am committed to give one hundred percent of my time to the service of the Lord.
Elder Alfonso Findley MD
I am a Board-Certified Diagnostic Radiologist now retired. I practiced for 38 years in the subspecialities of Interventional Radiology, Cosmetic medicine, Liposuction and Fat transfer procedures! I served as Radiology Chairman of two area Hospitals, namely Hadley Memorial Hospital in Washington D.C. and Jamestown Hospital in North Dakota. I love the Lord Jesus and is a blood bought soul of Jesus Christ! Through the mighty hands of Christ Jesus Christ, I traveled quite extensively to several areas of the world to seek means of reaching souls for Jesus Christ. One such area was mainland China and Japan where Dr and Pastor Hsu conducted mission effort bringing young men from mainland China to Hong Kong Adventist Hospital system and University to teach them and then send back to conduct house Churches for Jesus Christ. Many souls were won for Jesus. Practically 300,000 souls were baptized through underground Church movement. God has many ways of reaching the masses and His Children must find those tough ways through the help of God to win the masses back to Jesus Christ! My life has been one of service! Service on Many Hospital Boards as well as the North American Division Breath of Life Board! We seek to make a difference in the amazing saving of souls to Jesus Christ!
Elder Ephraim Laidley
I was born on the beautiful island of Jamaica, in the early 1960's to Beatrice Phillips and Enos Laidley in Kingston. The person with the greatest influence in my life was my mother. She helped me to shape my moral character and taught me to read.
life was very hard economically during my childhood and teenage years, but the hands of the Lord were upon me. he provided for me through it all and protected me from many harms and dangers. I was baptized at the early age of thirteen, and even then, I knew God had a purpose for my life. I met my wife Marcia during my teenage years, and we were married several years later. We were blessed with three children Ephraim Jr, Michael and Crystal our youngest.
God has fulfilled his promised to me through my favorite scripture verse Matthew 6:33, wish states, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." God has truly been faithful to me.
I have been involved in ministry for over 30+ years, in the SDA church and in my communities. Ministries include AY Leader Assistant, Deacon, Personal Ministry Leader, Family Life Leader, Elder and Prayer Ministry Leader. I firmly believe that Prayer is a Powerful Weapon against the work of satan. Men who kneel before God can stand before anyone.
My profession as Physical Therapist Assistant, has helped me to minister to my patients and their family, both physically and spiritually through prayer and testimonies, of Gods divine leading in my life.
My greatest desire is to serve the Lord, and to help others prepare for the Second coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Elder Roger Thomas
I was born in the beautiful island of Trinidad and Tobago. The was affforded to me to attend a Adventist school. From a very young age i accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I migrated to the United States of America and continue to be a active member of the Adventist church . I strive to live up to God's standard and principles. In keeping with the great commission given in Matthew 28:19-20, witnessing as always been my top priority. As there is no greater satisfaction than seeing men and women surrender their lives to God. Another aspect of service that inspire me is singing for the Lord, since music as always played an integral part in my life. Over the years i was blessed to serve the church in the following departments: Personal Ministries, Family Life, Risk Management and Prayer Ministries. I am thankful to God to blessing me with a wife who supports me in everything that i do for God. My ultimate desire is to do the will of God.
Elder Dynesdal Wint
I am a third generation Seventh-day Adventist, who is delighted to serve as an Elder at the Poinciana Seventh-day Adventist Church. I was born in the Island of Jamaica and throughout my life, I served in various capacities of the Church such as AY Leader, Deacon, Sabbath School Teacher, Choir Director, and First Elder.
In 1974, I migrated to the United States, where I continued to maintain my Christian relationship at the Brooklyn Temple SDA Church while pursuing my education and professional careers. I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Biology at Lehman College, a Master's Degree in Computer Science at Long Island University, and a Master's Degree in Project Management at George Washington University. Throughout my professional career, I worked at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York City as Assistant Laboratory Administrator and Associate Director. In 2013, I migrated to Orlando, Florida where I worked as the Senior Physician Support Coordinator for two HCA Hospitals. It was at this time that I joined the Poinciana SDA Church serving faithfully as an Elder. Each opportunity has been a genuine blessing to me, allowing me to see Christ working through me and the life of others for His glory.
I am married to my beautiful wife Carol Meikle-Wint and the Lord has blessed us with two wonderful children; Corene and Dinsdale Wint.
My hobbies are reading, history, cultural anthropology, travelling, witnessing, and farming.
In 2018, I retired from my professional careers. I believe that God has called me to continue this great responsibility of leading His people both in the Church and the Community. I am looking forward to serving in this capacity of leadership by living a Christ-Centered life through the influence of the Holy Spirit as we wait for the second coming of the Lord.
Elder Inez Green
My favorite Bible verse: Psalm 46:1. God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
My Aim: To follow in Jesus footsteps, to serve the Lord, reach out to the less fortunate and to help to spread the gospel. Always seeking prayers of the saints, to be humble in all things.
Elder Keith Brown
I am a native of Jamaica West Indies. I am a product of the SDA church, and a testament to the power of God to change lives. I am a graduate of Northern Caribbean University {NCU} in Mandeville Manchester Jamaica, where i earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Theology. I recently completed the Master of Divinity at the Andrews Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs Michigan. I also successfully completed five units of ACPE, Inc, accredited Clinical Pastoral Education {CPE} at the Advent Health CPE center in Orlando Florida. I am currently apart of the Pastoral Care team at the Advent Health Kissimmee Hospital , where i provides pastoral, spiritual and emotional support for the Hospital staff, patients, and their families. I am currently pursuing the Doctor of Ministry degree. I lives by Proverbs 13:20 that says, "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. My ultimate goal is to make Heaven my home, to pour into the lives of both young and the young of heart, to them enjoying their Christian experience , and watch as they do great exploits for the Lord.
Elder Norton Wint
Elder Norton Wint holds a P.H.D and enjoys ministry. He has been literature evangelist for 28 years. His desire is that all come to Jesus Christ. In 1992 he was ranked as the top colporteur in the world at the student level.
Elder Godson Nasari
Elder Junior Evans
Elder Oral James
Elder Earnest Flowers